- 5 teachers are expected to cover for their colleague who will be off work sick for 8 weeks. The head says he does not want it to count towards the 38 hour limit for cover set out by the teachers' contract the STPCD.
- A colleague applies for the threshold last year and is succesful but because he only just scrapes through the head says he will not be backdate it from 2007 (as set out by the school's pay policy and the STPCD) but September 2008.
- In a one-form entry primary school there are financial troubles. The head wants to make the special needs co-ordinator redundant. The head and the deputy head account for 43% of the teachers' pay bill (no prizes for guessing which two do the least teaching)
- A young woman in her second year of teaching is subject to formal hearings regarding absence mangement because of three day's absence this half term - one day for a cold, two days because of cistitis. Oddly enough the school now has more absence management problems as she wants to hand in her notice.
All of these incidents just from Wednesday of this week!