Friday, 19 September 2008

Ofsted inspector suspects wood might be bear dumping ground.

"Too much maths taught to test" apparently. Who would have thought it? You insist that GCSE league tables are published and that they must include maths results. You introduce de facto payment by results for teachers. You threaten schools with closure where less than 30% of kids get 5 or more GCSEs (including Maths) and then you discover that those pesky teachers are teaching to the test.
Well the only good thing about this latest bit of nonsense from Ofsted is that it will be greeted by derision by just about everybody and it further undermines this organisation's credibility - you might remember that this is the organisation that has mangled the English language and indeed reason so much that satisfactory now means unsatisfacory. If you can remember that sine theta equals opposite over hypotenuse you will probably not be able to remember why it does. Most parents who take an interest in such things would probably think that rather than spending two lessons explaining why tangent theta equals opposite over adjacent, Mr Robinson should be teaching something else that will get little Johnny through his maths exam.

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